Mary Meighan, Founder and Director of Celtic Journeys
– Celtic Retreats in Ireland

Celtic Journeys was founded and grew out of my lived experience and many years of study, sacred travel and retreat within our Celtic Spiritual Tradition.
I have studied world Spiritual Traditions in Ireland, Europe, India and the USA, specialising and living from my own native Wisdom Tradition of Celtic Spirituality.I offer talks, facilitate workshops and guide retreats on Celtic Spirituality at home and abroad.
Along with a degree in Psychology, a Diploma in Addiction Therapy and a Masters degree in Social Work I have a Masters degree in Spirituality from Naropa University, USA.
I was born and raised in Ireland. I am now part of an intentional community that has created Ireland’s only Ecovillage in Cloughjordan, County Tipperary.
This is where I have my home and live out my Celtic Spirituality.